Sunday, 13 March 2016



Q.1- Father of Agronomy.
Ans. Peter Dearsenzi.
Q.2- Father of weed science.
Ans. Jethro Tull.
Q.3-Who wrote 'Horse Hoeing Husbandry'.
Ans. Jethro Tull.
Q.4-Jhum cultivation mostly found in.
Ans. Eastern part of INDIA.
Q.5-Demerit of shifting cultivation is.
Ans. Soil loss.
Q.6- Objective of sustainable Agriculture is.
Ans. Ecological balance.
Q.7- Cropplng intensity will be always 100% in.
Ans. Monocropping.
Q.8- Peira cropping is mostly adopted in.
Ans. Bihar & Weast Bengal.
Q.9- Utera cropping is mostly adopted in.
Ans. Madhya Pradesh.
Q.10- Formula of Harvest Index is.
Ans. Economic yield 100/Biological yield.
Q.11- Total Agroclimatic zones in india are.
Ans. 15 zones.
Q.12- Agroclimatic Regional planning in India was initiated in which five year plan.
Ans. 7th five year plan.
Q.13-Supplemental irrigation is known as.
Ans. Life saving irrigation.
Q.14- P.M.A. is a type of antitranspirants.
Ans. Stomata closing type.
Q.15- Kaolin is a type of antitranspirants.
Ans. Reflecting type.
Q.16-Cycocel is a.
Ans. Growth retardants.
Q.17- Family of tobacco.
Ans. Solanaceae.
Q.18- Tobacco is a.
Ans. Rabi crop.
Q.19- Family of jute.
Ans. Tiliaceae.
Q.20- Family of sesame.
Ans. Pedoliaceae.
Q.21- Family of caster.
Ans. Euphorbiaceae.
Q.22- Which family of crops is more exhaustive.
Ans. Gramineae.
Q.23- Origin of soyabean.
Ans. China.
Q.24- 0rigin of potato.
Ans. Peru (S. America).
Q-25- Origin of tobacco.
Ans. Mexico.
Q.26- Highest area of summer maize.
Ans. Bihar.
Q.27- Highest area of cereals in india.
Ans. a- Rice     b- Wheat.
Q.28- HIghest production of cereals in world.
Ans. wheat.
Q.29- De suckering is a process of a crop.
Ans. Tobacco.
Q.30- Hrvest index is low in.
Ans. Pulses.
Q.31- Dockage is the.
Ans. Impurity percentage.
Q.32- Formula of real value is.
Ans. RV  =  purity % Germination % /100.
Q.33- The seed which is known as mother seed is.
Ans. Breeder seed.
Q.34- Cyperus rotandus is a.
Ans. Absolute weed.
Q.35- State , where seed law are adopted.
Ans. Karnataka.
Q.36- The weed which was first biologcally controlled.
Ans. Lantana camaera.
Q.37- Trade name of alachlor.
Ans. Lasso.
Q.38- Trade name of butachlor.
Ans. Machete.
Q.39- Trade name of nitrofen.
Ans. Toke.
Q.40- Trade name of Fluchloralin.
Q.41- Trade name of propanil.
Ans. Stam 1-34.
Q.42- Trade name of pendamethalin.
Ans. Stomp.
Q.43- Total root parasite.
Ans. Orobanche.
Q.44- Total stem parasite.
Ans. Cuscuta.
Q.45- Semi root parasite.
Ans. Striga.
Q.46- Semi stem parasite.
Ans. Loranthus.
Q.47- Orobanche also known as.
Ans. Broom rape.
Q.48- Striga is also known as.
Ans. Witch weed.,
Q.49- Host crop of orobanche.
Ans. Tobacco, Chilli, brinjal, potato.
Q.50- Host plants of striga.
Ans. Sorghum,maize,sugarcane,sunflower.
Q.51- Cuscuta associated with.
Ans. Lucern crop.
Q.52- PF value was first intrduced by.
Ans. Schofield.
Q.53- Soil moisture tension directly measured by.
Ans. Tensiometer.
Q54- Tensiometer was firt designed by.
Ans. Richards & Gardner (1936).
Q.55- Lysimeter is used for measerment of.
Ans. Evapo - transpiration.
Q.56- Parshall flume is used for measerment of.
Ans. Water flow.
Q.57- Flooding irrigation method generally used for.
Ans. Rice.
Q.58- Important cultural practise in rice field.
Ans. Puddling.
Q.59- Power tiller is most suitable for the cultivation of.
Ans. Paddy.
Q.60- Salatation is a process of.
Ans. Wind erosion.
Q.61- Highly salt tolerant cereal crop is.
Ans. Barley.
Q.62- Irrigation efficiency of loam soil is.
Ans. 70%
Q.63- In saline soil the method for irrigation used is.
Ans. Flood method.
Q.64- Crop between the main crop called as.
Ans. Inter crop.
Q.65- Sowing pattern used in dry land.
Ans. Brodcasting method.
Q.66- Crop lodging first adopted in which crop.
Ans. Sugarcane.
Q.67- Most efficient method of irrigation is.
Ans. Drip irrigation. 
Q,68- Extensively grown pulse crop in india.
Ans. Chick pea.
Q.69- Relative humidity is measured by.
Ans. Psychrometer.
Q.70- Crop growing to conserve soil moisture known as.
Ans. Mulch crops.
Q,71- Mat type nursery is related to crop.
Ans. Paddy.
Q.72- Father of indian paleobotany.
Ans. Birbal sahni.
Q.73- The practice of taking the second crop from previous one is known as.
Ans. Ratoning.
Q.74- Comptition Index was proposed by.
Ans. Donald (1968).
 Q.75- Curing is associated with which crop.
Ans. Tobacco % Tea.
Q.76- Trashing is associated with which crop.
Ans. Sugarcane.
Q.77- Stripping is associated with which crop.
Ans. Jute.
Q.78- Rotavator is used for.
Ans. Primary & secondary cultivation.
Q.79- Oldest tractor manufacturing company.
Ans. New holland (1895).
Q.80- Crop which is used to make car fuel in Brazil.
Ans. Sugarcane.



Opeey Saini said...
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