1 . WHEAT (Triticum aestivum)
Ans. Triticum aestivum (chromosome no. 2n=42).
Q.2 Origin of wheat.
Ans. South Weast Asia.
Q.3 Highest production and highest cultivated area in india.
Ans. Uttar Pradesh.
Q.4- The state which is highest productivity per hactare.
Ans. Punjab.
Q.5- Marconi wheat is known as.
Ans. Triticum durum.
Q.6- Emmer wheat is known as.
Ans. Triticum dicoccum.
Q.7- Suitable late sown variety is.
Ans. Sonalika.
Q.8- Sowing time of wheat is.
Ans. 15 nov. - 15 dec.
Q.9- Spacing of row to row.
Ans. 22.5
Q.10- Most critical stage for irrigation.
Ans. C.R.I. stage
Q.11- C.R.I. Comes after days.
Ans. 21 days
Q.12- Gene responsible for dwarf ness in wheat.
Ans. Norine 10.
Q.13- Important weed of wheat.
Ans. Phalaris minor.
Q.14- Common bread wheat is known as.
Ans. Triticum aestivum.
Q.15- Flowering portion of wheat is called.
Ans. Ear or Head or Spike.
Q.16- Test weight of wheat is.
Ans. 40 gm.
Q.17- Shelling % of wheat is.
Ans. 60%
Q.18- Triticum spherococcm also known as.
Ans. Indian dwarf wheat/club wheat.
Q.19- Central zig zag axis of wheat grain is called.
Ans. Rachis
Q.20- Triple gene dwarf varieties wear released in the year.
Ans. 1970
Q.21- Seminal roots are.
Ans. Temporary roots.
Q.22- Fruit type of wheat grain is.
Ans. Caryopsis.
Q.23- First man made cereal is.
Ans. Triticale
Q.24- Triticale is a cross of.
Ans. Wheat and Rye
Q.25- Temprature for germination of wheat seed is.
Ans. 20-25 0c
Q.26- Protein content in wheat.
Ans. 8-11%
Q.27- Triticum aestivum is a type of wheat.
Ans. Hexaploid
Q.28- World staple food grain.
Ans. Wheat
Q.29- Seed rate of wheat is.
Ans. 100 kg
Q.30- Wheat protein is.
Ans. Gluten
Q.31- If sowing is done by the dibbler then seed rate.
Ans. 25- 30 kg
Q.32- Starch in wheat grain is.
Ans. 60-68%
Q.33- Moisture content at harvesting stage in wheat is.
Ans. 25-30%
Q.34- National average yield of wheat is.
Ans. 22 kg/Ha.
Q.35- Triticum aestivum was first introduced in india.
Ans. N.E. Borlang of maxico
Q.36- Flowering portion of wheat is called.
Ans. Spike
Q,37- Shelling percentage in wheat is.
Ans. 60%
Varieties o Sonak – to replace Sonalika
– HD 2285
– PBW 343, HD 2687, WH 542, UP 2336, Raj 3077, CPAN 3004, PDW 215
– Many more like » Varieties for irrigated late sown
» Varieties for salt affected areas etc
Reproductive – Boot leaf 70-75 DAS
– Flowering : 85-90 DAS
– Milking: 100-105DAS
– Dough: 105-110
– Maturity: 115 – 120
World’s number one cereal in area
Cultivation of wheat is as old as civilization
It is the first mentioned crop in Bible
Used for bread, cakes, bakeries, also manufacture of dextrose, alcohol etc
A nutritious food of all
Good questions
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