Q.1- Botanical name of potato is.Ans. Solanum tuberosum
Q.2- Largest producing country.
Ans. China
Q.3- Potato introduced in India.
Ans. From Europe in 17th Century
Q.4- Important Nutrient for potato crop.
Ans. Nitrogen
Q.5- Protien content in potato.
Ans. 1.6%
Q.6- Maximum soil aria under potato production in India.
Ans. Alluvial soils
Q.7- Serious diesease of potato crop.
Ans. Late blight
Q.8- Largest producing State in India.
Ans. Uttar Pradesh
Q.9- Dehulming of potato is done by.
Ans. Copper Sulphate
Q.10- Solanin content in potato.
Ans. 5mg/100gm Potato
Q.11- Most Critical stage for potato.
Ans. 25% tuber formation stage
Q.1- Botanical name of cabbage.Ans. Brassica oleracea variety capitata
Q.2- Type of Inflorescence.
Ans. Catkin
Q.4- Anticancer properties is due to.
Ans. Indole-3-cardinal
Q.5- Important Hybrid varieties.
Ans. Pusa Synthetic, Pusa Muskan, Pusa Drumhead
Q.6- Tiphurn disese is due to.
Ans. Calcium deficiency
Q.1- Botanical name of cauliflower is.Ans. Brassica oleracea variety botrytis
Q.2- Introduced in India.
Ans. Dr. Jemson in 1822
Q.3- Native Country.
Ans. Cyprus
Q.4- Highest cauliflower producing state.
Ans. West Bengal
Q.5- Hybrid Variety.
Ans. Pusa Agahani, Snoball, Pusa hybrid-2
Q.6- Hill grown varieties in April-June.
Ans. Pusa Himjyoti
Q.7- Edible Part of Cauliflower.
Ans. Curd
Q.8- Blanching is which in crop.
Ans. Cauliflower
Q.9- Whiptail in cauliflower is due to.
Ans. Mo deficiency
Q.10- Best PH value for this crop is.
Ans. 5.5-6.5
Q.1- Botanical name of tomato is.Ans. Solanum lycopersicon
Q.2- Old botanical name of tomato is.
Ans. Lycopersicon esculentium
Q.3- Family of tomato is.
Ans. Solanaceae
Q.4- Origin of tomato was.
Ans. Peru
Q.4- Fruit type of tomato is.
Ans. Berry
Q.5- Popular variety of tomato is.
Ans. Pusa rubi, Arka vikas, Sawrab, Ashish
Q.6- Seed rate of tomato.
Ans. 300-350 gm/ha.
Q.7- BER desease is due to.
Ans. Ca defciency
Q.8- Major pest of tomato.
Ans. Fruit borer
Q.9- Chemical used for tomato sauce preservation.
Ans. Sodium benzoate
Q.10- Tomato is susceptible for.
Ans. Frost
Q.11- Red coloure of tomato is due to.
Ans. Lycopene
Q.12- Requirement of per capita vegetables/day.
Ans. 275 gm/day
Q.13- Availability of per capita vegetable /day.
Ans. 120 gm/day
Q.14- Tomato is also known as.
Ans. Wolf apple
Q.1- Richest source of riboflavin.
Ans. Radish leaves
Q.2- Richest source of thiamine.
Ans. Giant chillies
Q.3- Richest source of fat and vitamins C
Ans. Drumstick
Q.4- Richest source of carbohydrate.
Ans. Tapioca
Q.5- Brinjal highest producing state in India.
Ans. West Bengal
Q.6- Main pigment in brinjal crop.
Ans. Anthocynin
Q.7- Use of white coloured in brinjal.
Ans. For diabetic patients
Q.8- Serious pest of brinjal vegetable.
Ans. Shoot and Fruit borer
Q.9- Largest producer of chillies in World.
Ans. India
Q.10- Pungency in Radish is due to.
Ans. Isothiocynates
Q.11- Bitterness in cucumber is due to.
Ans. Cucurbitacin
Q.12- Brinjal is native to.
Ans. India
Q.13- Country leading in okra production.
Ans. Inda
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