Sunday, 13 March 2016

Important Questions of Rice

Q.1- Scientific name of rice.
Ans. Oryza sativa.
Q.2- Family of rice.
Ans. Gramineae.
Q.3- Origin of rice.
Ans. South East Asia.
Q.4- Sowing time of Autumn/Aus rice.
Ans. March-April
Q.5- Sowing time of Aman rice.
Ans. May-June

Q.6- Sowing time of Boro rice.
Ans. December-January
Q.7- Aman rice also known as.
Ans. Kharief/Winter rice
Q.8- Boro rice also known as.
Ans. Summer rice
Q.9- Lodging does not occur in.
Ans. Japonica rice
Q.10- Rice inflorescence is known as.
Ans. Panicle
Q.11- Hull is combination of.
Ans. Lemma + Paea togather
Q.12- Yield increased by adopting SRI is.
Ans. 50-90%
Q.13- Highest rice producing state in india.
Ans. West Bengal
Q.14- Test weight of basmati rice is.
Ans. 21g
Q.15- Rice is a type of plant.
Ans. Self pollineted & short day plant
Q.16- Cardinal temprature of riceis.
 Ans. 30-320C
Q.17- Hulling % of rice is.
Ans. 70-75%
Q.18- First development rice variety is.
Ans. T.N.-1
Q.19- Jagannath is a mutant variety of.
Ans. T.N.-141
Q.20- The worlds first high yielding variety of rice has been developed by IARI.
Ans. Pusa Basmati-2
Q.21- Maximum rice exporter in the world.
Ans. Thailand
Q.22- Hieghest productvity of rice world.
Ans. Japan (58q/ha)
Q.23- Most critical stage for water.
Ans. Booting stage
Q.24- Seedling ready for transplanting in depog method.
Ans. 12th day
Q.25- Best bio-fertilizer for rice.
Ans. Azolla
Q.26- Area required for rice nursery.
Ans. 700-800 m2
Q.27- Fruit of rice is known as.
Ans. Caryopsis
Q.28- Killer desease of rice are.
Ans. A- Bacterial blight, 2. Tunger virus
Q.29- The gas emits from rice field is.
Ans. Methane
Q.30- Akiochi disease is due to.
Ans. H2S
Q.31- Highest N loss in rice field by.
Ans. Denitrification
Q.32- Paira and utera cropping system is related to.
Q.33- Puddler & puddling is related to.
Ans. Rice
Q.34- Parboiling of rice conserve the vitamin.
Ans. Vitamin B12
Q.35- Seed rate in depog method for rice.
Ans. 3-4 kg/m2
Q.36- Area required for seedling preparation in depog method.
Ans. 25-30 m2
Q.37- Miracle rice (first dwarf variety) of india is.
Ans. Jaya
Q.38- Gene responsible for dwarf ness in rice.
Ans. Dee-Gee-Woo-gene
Q.39- Spacing for sowing of seedlings of rice.
Ans. 20 into 10 cm
Q.40- Khaira desease of rice is due to.
Ans. Zinc deficiency
Q.41- Optimum ph of soil for growing rice is.
Ans. 4-6 ph
 Q.42- Seed rate of hybrid rice is.
Ans. 6-10 kg/acre
Q.43- First aromatic Basmati rice is.
Ans. Pusa RH-10
Q.44- Vikramarya rice variety is resistant for.
Ans. Tungro virus
Q.45- Ajay rice is resistand for.
Ans. Bacterial blight
Q.46- State known as "Bowl of Rice" is.
Ans. Chattisgarh
Q.47- Vitamin rich in golden yellow rice is.
Ans. Vitamin A
Q.48- Total districts of India in paddy growing.
Ans. 564 districts
Q.49- The bio herbicide used in rich cultivation is.
Ans. Collego
Q.50-Blast desease is due to.
Ans. Pyricularia Oryzae

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