Sunday, 13 March 2016

Study of Red Gram (Arhar)

Q.1- Botanical name of arhar is.
Ans. Cajanus cajan
Q..2- Origin of arhar is
Ans. South Africa
Q.3- Temprature for germination.
Ans. 30-35 C
Q.4- Temprature for growth is.

Ans. 20-25 C
Q.5- Sowing timr of arhar is.
Ans. 15 june
Q.6- Spacing for arhar is.
Ans. 60 into 15 cm
Q.7- Seed rate for arhar.
Ans. 12-15 kg
Q.8- Highest production in the state.
Ans. Uttar Pradesh
Q.9- Highest productvity in the state of.
Ans. Bihar 1115 kg/ha.
Q.10- Early maturing variety is.
Ans. Prabhat, UPAS 120 Days
Q.11- Harvest index of arhar is.
Ans. 19%
Q.12- Hybrid variety released by ICRISAT.
Ans. ICPH-8
Q.13- Protien content of arhar is.
Ans. 25%
Q.14- Earliest variety.
Ans. UPAS-120


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