Sunday, 13 March 2016

Important Questions of Maize&Sorghum crop


Q.1- Botanical name of Maize.
Ans. Zea mays
Q.2- Origin country of maize.
Ans. Maxico
Q.3- Critical stage of water application.
Ans. Tasseling to silking
Q.4- Suitable temprature for crop growing.
Ans. 320C
Q.5- Common herbicide use in Maize.
Ans. Simazine

Q.6- Hybrid variety of maize.
Ans. Sangam/Ganga Safed
Q.7- Double cross teqniques of production of maize intrduced by.
Ans. D.F. Jones(1920)
Q.8- On maize plants first appearance is of.
Ans. Tassels
Q.9- Maximum root zone depth for maize.
Ans. 400-600 mm
Q.10- Water requirement for Maize crop.
Ans. 500-800 mm
Q.11- Protien content of maize.
Ans. 10% (zien)
Q.12- Sed rate of maize.
Ans. 18-20 kg
Q.13- Botanical name of sorghum.
Ans. Sorghum bicolour
Q.14- Sorghum is native of.
Ans. Africa
Q.15- Sorghum Hybrid is.
Ans. CSH-1
Q.16- Protien content in sorghum.
Ans. 10-12%
Q.17- Seed rate of sorghum is
Ans. 8-12 kg/ha.
Q.18- In India maximum producing state.
Ans. Maharastra


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