Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Study of fruits


Q.1-  Botanical Name of Mango.
Ans. Mangifera IndicaQ.2- Origin of Mango.
Ans. Indo-Burma
Q.3- Type of Mango fruit.

Ans. Drupe
Q.4- India share in worlds mango production.
Ans. 57%
Q.5- Edible Part of mango is called.
Ans. MesocarpQ.6- Dwarf variety of mango.
Ans. AmrpaliQ.7- Seedless variety of mango.
Ans. SindhuQ.8- Sweetest variety of mango.
Ans. ChousaQ.9- Propagation method of mango.
Ans. Veneer grafting
Q.10- Major pest of mango fruit.
Ans. Mango hoppers
Q.11- Major disease of mango.
Ans. Powdery mildew
Q.12- mango maformation is the result of.
Ans. Low tempratureQ.13- Black tip disease occurse is due to.
Ans. Sulphure dioxyde,CO,2CH
Q.14- Inflorescence of mango.
Ans. Panicle


Q.15- Botanicle name of banana.
Ans. Musa paradisiacaQ.16- Sugar cantains in ripe banana.
Ans. 26%
Q.17- India share in banana production.
Ans. 31.8%
Q.18- Banana is native to.
Ans. South East Asia
Q.19- Highest producing state in india.
Ans. TamilnaduQ.20- Temprature range to grow banana.
Ans. 20-40 CelciusQ.21- Serious Fungous disease of banana.
Ans. Sigatoka leaf spot
Q.22- Inflorescence type of banana.
Ans. Spadix
Q.23- Sedlessness of banana is due to.
Ans. Vegetative parthenocarpyQ.24- Largest producer in the world.
Ans. India


Q.25- Scientific name of apple.
Ans. Malus domesticaQ.26- Apple propagated by.
Ans. Shield budding & grafting
Q.27- Apple bowl of india.
Ans. Himachal pradeshQ.28- Origin or native to.
Ans. asia minor
Q.29-rednesssin apple is due to.
Ans. AnthocyaninQ.30-country leading in apple production.


Q.31-Scintific name of guava.
Ans.Psidium guajavaQ.32-Origin of guava fruit.
Ans.West india to peruQ.33-State with highest production in india.
Ans.Utter pradeshQ.34-Hybride Varieties.
Ans.Kohir safed and safed jam
Q.35-Sardar is a variety of.
Q.36-Dual purpose variety of guava is.


Q.37- Scientific name of papaya.
Ans. Carica papaya
Q.38- Native to country.
Ans. Tropical America
Q.39- Yello pigment in papaya is due to.
Ans. CaricaxanthinQ.40- Largest producing state in India.
Ans. Andhrapradesh
Q.41- Largest production in world.
Ans. Brazil
Q.42- Pusa Nanaha is a variety of.
Ans. Papaya

                           OTHER Imp. FRUITS     

Q.43- Origin of lichi is.
Ans. China
Q.44- Strawberry is propagated by.
Ans. Runners
Q.45- King of arid fruits.
Ans. Ber
Q.46- Grape is native to.
Ans. Mediterranean region
Q.47- Datepalm is native to.
Ans. Iraq
Q.48- Fruit type of citrus.
Ans. HesperidumQ.49- Origin of loquat fruit is.
Ans. China
Q.50- Propagation method of banana.
Ans. Sword suckers
Q.51- Banana suckers arise from.
Ans. Underground rhizomes
Q.52- Propagation method of citrus.
Ans. T/shield budding
Q.53- Propagation method for grapes.
Ans. Hard wood cutting
Q.54- Propagation method for Guava.
Ans. Stooling/moud layering
Q.55- Propagation method for Date palm.
Ans. off shoot
Q.56- Recommended fruits/day/person.
Ans. 120 gm/day
Q.57- Availability of fruits/day/person.
Ans. 70-80 gm/day
Q.58- Mllika is a cross of.
Ans. Neelam & DashehriQ.59- Most export variety of mango is.
Ans. Alphonso
Q.60- Counrty leading in lichi production.
Ans. China

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